PLAY. Podcast 057 – Kike Pravda
Veľmi sa tešíme, že vám dnes môžeme ponúknuť extra ochutnávku na náš ďalší event PLAY. Fuga v podobe Kikeho setu, ktorý pripravil exkluzívne pre náš podcast.
𝗞𝗜𝗞𝗘 𝗣𝗥𝗔𝗩𝗗𝗔, španielsky dj a producent sa v rámci PLAY. eventov na Slovensku premiérovo predstaví v piatok 26. mája 2023 . Jeho producentský životopis zahŕňa releasy na zvučných labeloch ako Token Records, Warm Up Recordings Oscara Mulera a PoleGroup, Semantica, MORD, ako i jeho vlastného SENOID Recordings, kde pred pár dňami vydal aj novú DIMENSIONAL EP. Jeho produkciu veľmi často podporujú mená ako Rødhåd, DVS1, Oscar Mulero a mnohí ďalší.
Sme radi, že v bratislavskom klube FUGA môžeme privítať tohto talentovaného umelca a významné meno svetového techna. Čakaj silnú španielsku esenciu techna doplnenú o hosťa z radov OLAM kolektívu a domácich rezidentov eventu PLAY.

We’re very excited to offer you an extra taster for our next PLAY. Fuga event today in the form of Kike’s set, which he has prepared exclusively for our podcast series.
𝗞𝗜𝗞𝗘 𝗣𝗥𝗔𝗩𝗗𝗔, Spanish DJ and producer will be making his debut at PLAY. events in Slovakia on Friday 26th May 2023 . His producer resume includes releases on renowned labels such as Token Records, Oscar Mulera’s Warm Up Recordings and PoleGroup, Semantica, MORD, as well as his own SENOID Recordings, where he also released his new DIMENSIONAL EP a few days ago. His productions are very often supported by names like Rødhåd, DVS1, Oscar Mulero and many more.
We are happy to welcome this talented artist and a sound name in the world of techno to the FUGA club in Bratislava. Expect a strong Spanish techno essence complemented by a guest from the OLAM collective and local residents of the PLAY event.