PLAY. Podcast 059 – The Outsiders
TheOutsiders aka Dj HU, ako ho väčšina domácej scény pozná, je bratislavský dj a producent patriaci do prvej vlny vzniku techno sceny na Slovensku. Jeho domovom bol U.Club (SubClub) a kolektív pod značkou Standa. V roku 2002 založil svoj vlastný label Backstage Records, na ktorom vydával hlavne jeho vlastné veci. Mimo toho vydal niekoľko úspešných trackov na značkách jeho kolegov ako je Palicavonzvreca (PVC), Antidandruff, LFB či Seta Label. Svoj typický bratislavský sound dostal aj na Inceptive (UK) a Planet Rhythm, kde nájdete Blinded By Illusion EP z roku 2020. Najnovšia produkcia TheOutsiders je k dispozícií na Bandcampe, kde nedávno pod katalógovým číslom OUT001 pribudlo nové Blind Ambitions EP . Ako dj mal možnosť navštíviť viacero krajín napr. Španielsko, Belgicko, Holandsko, Chorvátsko, Ukrajina, Maďarsko, samozrejme najvýznamnejšie kluby a festivaly v Česku a na Slovensku (napr. WAX), no nechýba ani jeho hranie v berlínskom klube Tresor.
Dnes ponúkame jeho najnovší set, ktorý pripravil pre náš PLAY. podcast series. Tešiť sa môžete na príjemne energickú temnotu obohatenú o jeho pár ešte nevydaných trackov.
TheOutsiders aka Dj HU, as most of the local scene knows him, is a Bratislava DJ and producer belonging to the first wave of the techno scene in Slovakia. His home was U.Club (SubClub) and the collective under the Standa label. In 2002 he founded his own label Backstage Records, where he released mainly his own music. Besides that he released several successful tracks on his colleagues‘ labels such as Palicavonzvreca (PVC), Antidandruff, LFB and Seta Label. He also got his typical Bratislava sound on Inceptive (UK) and Planet Rhythm, where you can find the Blinded By Illusion EP from 2020. TheOutsiders‘ latest release is available on Bandcamp, where a new Blind Ambitions EP was recently added under the catalogue number OUT001 . As a dj he had the opportunity to visit several countries like Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Croatia, Ukraine, Hungary, of course the most renowned clubs and festivals in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (e.g. WAX), but he took his part at the Berlin club Tresor as well.
Today we present his latest set, which he prepared for our PLAY. podcast series. You can look forward to a pleasantly energetic darkness enriched with his few unreleased tracks.