PLAY. Podcast 061 – Isabel Soto
PLAY. prináša 29. septembra do bratislavského klubu FUGA ďalšiu techno premiéru. V rámci svojho európskeho turné sa až z ďalekého Montrealu zastaví techno DJka, producentka a zakladateľka labelu NYXII – ISABEL SOTO.
Veľmi sa tešíme, že vám dnes môžeme ponúknuť extra ochutnávku na náš ďalší event PLAY. Fuga w/ ISABEL SOTO [CANADA] v podobe Isabelinho setu, ktorý pripravila exkluzívne pre náš podcast.
Isabel Soto žije v Kanade, ale pochádza z Venezuely. Vďaka viacerým vydaniam na labeloch ako DifferentSound, Diffuse Reality, JFNS, Synergie, Occultech Recordings, 01366 atď. si Isabel rýchlo vybudovala meno na hudobnej scéne. Jej hudbu podporujú umelci ako DVS1, Kr!z, Justine Perry, Claudio PRC, Psyk, Hypnotic Black Magic a mnohí ďalší. A za krátky čas už zdieľala pódium s menami ako Oscar Mulero, Dustin Zahn, Setaoc Mass, Lindsey Herbert, Developer, u.r.trax a ďalšími. Jej štýl je definovaný kombináciou deep, hypnotic, raw a groovy zvukov v jej produkciách aj setoch.
PLAY. brings you another techno premiere to the Bratislava club FUGA on 29th September. As part of her European tour, techno DJ, producer and founder of the NYXII label – ISABEL SOTO – will be stopping by from as far away as Montreal.
We’re very excited to offer you an extra taster for our next PLAY. Fuga w/ ISABEL SOTO [CANADA] event today in the form of Isabel’s set, which she has prepared exclusively for our podcast series.
Isabel lives in Canada, but is originally from Venezuela. With multiple releases on labels such as DifferentSound, Diffuse Reality, JFNS, Synergie, Occultech Recordings, 01366, etc., Isabel has quickly built her name on the music scene. Her music is supported by artists such as DVS1, Kr!z, Justine Perry, Claudio PRC, Psyk, Hypnotic Black Magic and many more. And in a short period of time she has already shared the stage with names like Oscar Mulero, Dustin Zahn, Setaoc Mass, Lindsey Herbert, Developer, u.r.trax and more. Her style is defined by a combination of deep, hypnotic, raw and groovy sounds in both her productions and sets.