PLAY. Podcast 063 – Din Jarryn
Dnešným podcastom si dúfam spríjemníte sychravé, jesenné, klubovou sezónou nabité dni tak ako my

O techno náklad sa tentokrát postaral náš priateľ z Ostravy v Českej republike, Ondra Smažák alias Din Jarryn. Ondra sa k elektronickej hudbe dostal vo svojich 13 rokoch, keď prvýkrát počul kazetu Carla Coxa. Jeho prvé kroky k zvládnutiu dídžejského remesla neboli vedené žiadnym mentorom, ale doma sledovaním dídžejov na DVD. Techno ho naplno pohltilo a začal sa o tento smer aktívne zaujímať, až sa následne stal DJ-om. V jeho začiatkoch ho ovplyvnil trance, avšak v súčasnosti je jeho prioritou techno, ktoré rád prezentuje v kluboch a na sieťach. Hypnotická, temná energia, postupné budovanie a precízne mixovanie sú jeho hlavnými atribútmi, vďaka ktorým je ľahko rozpoznateľný. Počuť ste ho mohli v kluboch po celej Českej republike, ako napríklad Jilska22, Exit, Enter, Fabric, ale aj na festivale Beats For Love a najbližšie si zahrá 24 novembra v Radost Club.
With today’s podcast, we hope you’ll enlighten the bitter, autumn, club season filled days as much as we did

The techno load this time is brought by our friend from Ostrava, Czech Republic, Ondra Smažák aka Din Jarryn. Ondra got into electronic music at the age of 13 when he first heard a Carl Cox cassette. His first steps towards mastering the DJ craft were not guided by any mentor, but by watching DJs on DVD at home. He became fully immersed in techno and took an active interest in the genre, eventually becoming a DJ. In his early days he was influenced by trance, but nowadays his priority is techno, which he enjoys presenting in clubs and on the networks. Hypnotic, dark energy, gradual build-up and precise mixing are his main attributes that make him easily recognizable. You could hear him in clubs all over the Czech Republic, such as Jilska22, Exit, Enter, Fabric, as well as at the Beats For Love festival, and on November 24 you can see him at Radost Club.