3. marca si opäť príďte užiť PLAY. Fuga event, kde vám prinášame ďalšiu SVK premiéru – tentokrát to bude náš špeciálny hosť z Berlína – Djka a producentka Ina Kacz. O support sa postarajú rezidenti PLAY. a známe meno zo zástupcov Olam.
Ina Kacz je francúzsko-poľská DJka a producentka žijúca v Berlíne. Počas svojich rôznych DJských skúseností sa Ina naučila vytvoriť unikátnu atmosféru, jej výber – ostrý, eklektický a evolutívny – kombinuje hlboké atmosféry, breaky, tribalizmus a groove. Jej vystúpenia ju priviedli k pravidelnému hraniu v Berlíne, ale aj po celom svete – v Gruzínsku, Francúzsku, Portugalsku alebo Kolumbii, v kluboch ako Berghain, Tresor, Khidi, Kalt alebo Gare Porto. V roku 2022 vyšiel Inin prvý release na Kolumbijskej značke From A Lost Place.
Nalaďte sa jej najnovšim podcastom:
Save the date and come to enjoy the next PLAY. Fuga event, where we bring you another SVK premiere – this time it will be our special guest from Berlin – dj and producer Ina Kacz, who will be supported by PLAY. residents, as well as well known name from Olam collective.
Ina Kacz is a French/Polish DJ and producer based in Berlin. Throughout her various experiences as a DJ, Ina has learnt how to build up atmospheres, her selection – sharp, eclectic and evolutive – combines deep atmospheres, breaks, tribalism and groove. Her performances have brought her to play regularly in Berlin but also across the globe in Georgia, France, Portugal, or Colombia in clubs such as Berghain, Tresor, Khidi, Kalt or Gare Porto.
In 2022, Ina’s first release has been seen on the Colombian imprint From A Lost Place.
In 2022, Ina’s first release has been seen on the Colombian imprint From A Lost Place.
Get in the mood with her latest podcast:
Naďa started with DJing in her LAB. After two years of playing records only to a small group of friends, she made her DJ debut at the legendary club Fuga. Never afraid to go deep, her emotional musical selections are her own therapy and certain form of psychohygiene.
Naďa is no stranger to the electronic music scene in Slovakia. In 2014, she became a member of Counterpoint , a local DJ crew that consisted of her close friends. Loving the feeling of entertaining people, she co-hosted several events.
In 2017, Naďa became a part of Derivate team which led to joining the Bratislava based OLAM collective as a resident artist in 2022.
Naďa is no stranger to the electronic music scene in Slovakia. In 2014, she became a member of Counterpoint , a local DJ crew that consisted of her close friends. Loving the feeling of entertaining people, she co-hosted several events.
In 2017, Naďa became a part of Derivate team which led to joining the Bratislava based OLAM collective as a resident artist in 2022.
:: Marosh/play., sk
DJ, promoter, booking agent and founder of the brand PLAY., who has been dedicated to the dance underground since 1998. He also worked as a program manager in the Žilina club Guru, collaborated on events Reaction Control, klubNACHT, and his own promotional efforts and projects include ElechtroChatowica, Restart ,Technozhluk or FOUR. Besides his home ground you could hear him, for example, in Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Košice, but also in London. Marosh offers a fresh peak club techno sound suitable for more intimate spaces as well as big stages, but he as much likes to dive into minimal or deep sound. He has also released several EPs mostly in digital format.
:: Ema Veld/play., sk
Ema Veld discovered the magic of underground electronic music at a later age, and it absorbed her all the more. She has loved music all her life, she played the piano as a child. Influenced by classical music and various musical styles, her scope in electronic music is wide. From ambient, minimal, deep house or electro, to club techno, in which she tries to share her own vision. She inclines to downtempo, but when needed, she easily pulls you into high speed dance positions. In techno, she will carry you away with rawness and even decadence, captivate you with non-standard bizarre elements, until finally you will be relaxed by a portion of lightness, groove or elegance. In her sets you will typically find a pre-meditated story, she likes to play and create various atmospheres. She loves when music is intelligent, unpredictable and enriching human senses.
Start: 22:00
Entry: from 22:00 – 8€ | from 24:00 – 10€
Media partner: RADIO_FM https://fm.rtvs.sk/
Graphics: https://www.facebook.com/Profigrafik.sk
Entry: from 22:00 – 8€ | from 24:00 – 10€
Media partner: RADIO_FM https://fm.rtvs.sk/
Graphics: https://www.facebook.com/Profigrafik.sk